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Client Due Diligence questionnaire

Company overview

Please provide the countries of business operation:

Is your business regulated?
Does your Company, including all group companies, have any customers, suppliers, clients, or other business relationships with individuals or entities located in the following jurisdictions: Central African Republic, Crimea (region of Ukraine), Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Donetsk (region of Ukraine), Eritrea, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Luhansk (region of Ukraine), Mali, Myanmar, North Korea, Russia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Yemen.

Please provide the details of all company directors and UBO's

Are there any shareholders, directors or key members of your business who are Politically Exposed?

Company ethics

Do you have proportionate procedures in place to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion?
Has a criminal or civil judgement, penalty or lawsuit or any other proceeding involving corruption, money laundering, fraud or tax evasion ever been made against the company?
Have you ever discovered bribery, corruption, fraud or tax evasion (known or suspected) in your supply chain?

Conflict of interest

Are there any known conflict of interest issues which should be disclosed relating to your working with Bud?

Modern slavery

Are you under obligations to have a Modern Slavery Statement?
As far as you are aware, do you comply with all applicable Modern Slavery laws?
Do you take reasonable steps to ensure that there is no Modern Slavery or human trafficking in the Supplier’s or Supplier subcontractors’ supply chains or business operations?
Have you or any of your officers, employees or other persons associated with the company been convicted of or are in the process of being investigated by any regulatory or governmental body for Modern Slavery related offences?

Organisation and governance

Have you been operating more than 3 years?
Do you have more than 20 employees?
Do you have an annual turnover of more than £3m?
Does your company have a risk and compliance function which takes care of any business and (where applicable) regulatory risk?
Does the executive function of your company have involvement in the company's risk strategy?

Consumer duty

Is your business within the scope of the New Consumer Duty Regulations?
Do you have a vulnerable customer policy?
Do you have a complaints policy?


Does your company have a professional indemnity insurance policy (PII)?
Does your company have a cyber insurance policy or cyber risk coverage as part of another insurance policy?
Are you working with bud as a payment initiation service (PIS)?
Are you working with bud as a accounting information system (AIS)?